Monday, January 31, 2011

Step One: No More Shampoo


     Today we took step one of changing to a more natural house hold and I gave washing my hair with baking soda and vinegar a shot.  Eventually I'll move on to washing my face with oil instead of my yummy smelling estee lauder wash, but lets not get ahead of ourselves...

     So the first step was finding two water bottles to use.  I chose one that I couldn't find the lid to, and a portable coffee cup.  These were bad choices.  I put two cups of water in the first along with two tablespoons of  baking soda. When I tried mixing it was the first time I regretting not using a bottle with a cap, but a long butter knife did the trick.  In the second container I put two cups of water and two tablespoons of vinegar. Then, off I went.

     The baking soda/water combination was not as bad as expected.  I was concerned it would just feel like water in my hair and I would have no idea if I had used enough or if I had missed anywhere, but you can definitely feel it.  It's not bubbly, but it's thick enough that you can feel something.  My big tip when filling the bottles is to use warm water.  DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP! Pouring freezing cold water on my head did not make this a pleasant or easy experience.  The vinegar I just dumped over my head, gasped, and worked through.  I soaked my ends in the cup for a few extra seconds, and let the vinegar sit for a while before rinsing it,  since split ends were a pretty big concern of mine.  I love my flat iron, my hair does not.  While I sat with the vinegar soaking into my tresses I could feel an ever-so-slight-tingling all over my scalp and momentarily became concerned that I was about to turn into a science fair volcano.  No worries, it didn't even bubble.  I was also very worried my hair would feel like it was fresh out of the ocean and turn into one big knot.  As any hair dresser I have ever seen could tell you, my hair LOVES to knot.  It does it instantly, in any condition.  While I was in the shower it felt slightly smoother than usual, but once I got out it was pretty much business as usual.  I can't complain though, no shampoo no matter how expensive has ever fixed that, so I'm not going to blame the baking soda.

Now I'm sitting here waiting for it to dry praying I don't smell terrible tomorrow or look like this in the morning.  

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