I’m not sure what exactly is sparking this sudden insurgence against “God” but I have noticed a few people posting quite a bit lately about how they do not believe in a God, and some of them have actually been bashing those who do believe. I’ve been patient, I’ve even entered into a few friendly discussions with people who are capable of holding one, but it’s getting old. I do not agree with most of religion, I do not agree with telling people how to live, and I do not think that if there is a God(dess) or anything at all they are a judgmental tyrant who will punish us for not having infallible faith and living exactly the way they want, when they themselves did not design us to live that way. That being said, I do believe in a Divine. What that is exactly, I’m not sure. But I absolutely believe it is there. And as much as I understand speaking out against organized religion for the harm it has caused the world, I do not understand what these people are hoping to prove by attempting to disprove the divine. If you do not believe, that’s fine. I don’t necessarily believe it will negatively affect your life one way or another to be honest. And I don’t feel any desire to persuade you either. What I am getting annoyed with is the unfounded attacks on those who do believe. You are aware that you are being just as rude, close minded, and ignorant as those you are so vehemently speaking out against, correct? Because with exception to ONE person I know involved in this little outburst, the rest of the people I am seeing are being all of these things. It is fine to say what you believe. It is fine to say why. It is not okay to insult those who think differently than you.
My annoyance stems for the insinuation that those who believe in something ’other’ are less intelligent than you. I am not a girl who believes just anything that is presented to me. I questions EVERYTHING, and I do it constantly. I check, double check, and then come to my own conclusions. And I did not come to my beliefs easily. I have had experiences that have proven to me that there is a Divine. I am not going to share them because they are deeply personal and, honestly, I do not feel an internet debate deserves them.
One of my favorite posts was someone who said “ I will ask the question any intelligent person would ask … prove it” Okay genius, DIS prove it. Oh wait, you can’t? Except with evidence that I’m just supposed to believe is absolute but you can’t REALLY ever be 100% sure on? Well now wait…that sounds a lot like what you are condemning other people for saying. The fact is, if there is a divine, it does not care enough about our squabbling to present itself just to disprove YOU.
And many of the reasons I have for believing in a divine are science and real-world based as well. They may not be things that can be 100% proven, but you cannot disprove them either. So quite frankly, if you want to question my intelligence because I look at the same unanswerable questions as you and come up with a different hypothesis, I don’t give a damn. I am always willing to question the conclusions I have come to and hear out the other side, can you honestly say you are capable of the same? Obviously not. You have made up your mind with the same conviction of those who believed the burning times were justified and you will hear out the other side with the same open-mindedness of Galileo’s captors.
I remember marveling at the complexity of little veins in my daughters eyelids when she was a newborn, this amazing, perfectly working little system I had grown but didn’t even fully understand. It is a system that has to work exactly right the first time, or life cannot be sustained. I saw the divine in every little line running under her pail skin. I remember watching a video of a lion that had been rescued running up and actually hugging the humans who had rescued him, years after being released from their care. There is no evolutionary reason for him to respond, feel, or remember the way he did. I see the history of this planet, the otherwise unexplained booms in evolution, and I see a gentle hand urging our earliest ancestors on. I’m not saying if there is a Divine it necessarily has a plan laid out for all of us, or that it’s even THAT involved in our lives, but I still see evidence everywhere.
And as my husband put it when we were discussing that every culture from the beginning of time had believed in an ‘other’ a ‘Divine’ and that it was only the few that did not believe he said, If I were a gambling man, my bet would go with the many. This is not to say you shouldn’t question what the masses believe, and it is not to say that the masses cannot be incredibly stupid. It is just saying that if an idea, often a VERY similar idea, is present throughout history and throughout the world even with cultures that have no contact, something must have placed it there. And I understand that a lot of it was things seen in nature, and that a lot of it was things these people experienced in their every day lives. I am not naïve enough to think it was all spurred by Divine intervention. However before we scoff at our ancestors for all they didn’t know, lets take a look at all we still don’t know, and all the damage we have done with our ‘knowledge,’ and reassess how wise we have really become. We worship money, power, and the exploitation of our planet. They worshiped life, and love, and the natural balance of things. Maybe it’s time to put our egos aside for a moment and accept that there are things we will never understand, Things much much bigger than ourselves, and that does not make us less than, if anything it might just make us a touch Divine.
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