Thursday, November 10, 2011

Letter to a mother regarding Christianity and Circumcision

I recently had a potential client contact me via email.  In her message she concluded by asking if I had any strong opinions on birth.  I was torn for a moment on whether or not now was the appropriate time to bring up circumcision. I felt it would be deceitful to act as though there were absolutely no hot button issues for me when clearly there are.  I asked my husband for advice and he also agreed that I should be forthright.  In her reply message she mentioned that they would be circumcising, and that it would be for mostly religious (Christian) reasons.  This is on the same level of unacceptable to me as saying the only reason you are doing it is so he can "look like daddy."  This is not because I believe doing this for religious reasons is bad (Which I do) but because Christians are not supposed to circumcise.  You're not.  I've spent hours researching this, and I had an amazing list compiled of passages from the Bible that make it clear. But, of course, those have been lost.  *head-desk*

Below is a copy of the reply message I sent to the mother.  I know you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, and that once someone gets defensive you can forget having them listen to you.  So, I honestly tried to be as polite and non-judgmental as possible. I guess I'll find out from your responses how I did.  Needless to say, I never heard back from this woman.    But, when faced with the choice of saving a baby, or gaining a client I will choose the baby every time.  For the sake of privacy I am going to call this mother Jane.  This is not her real name.
Hi Jane,
    My view on circumcision is based on extensive research, as well as my religious beliefs.  At the beginning of my pregnancy with my daughter, when we did not know yet that we were having a girl, I began researching circumcision.  At that point, because my husband was circumcised, we expected that this was something we were going to do.  I knew there were a few different types of circumcision and wanted to choose the best option for my baby.  The more I read and the more videos I watch, the less comfortable  I became with the idea until I could no longer justify doing this to any child.  It really is true that the more you know, the more horrible it becomes.  Through hours of research I learned that there is no medical organization in the world that endorses routine infant circumcision.  I learned that the reasons many people use to justify circumcision are complete fallacies.  Other facts, while holding small bits of truth, are severely distorted by the people presenting the research because, unfortunately, there is a lot of money to be made in circumcision.  Doctors and hospitals that perform circumcisions make phenomenally huge profits on the procedure and I do not believe this is a good motivation for them to tell their patients the whole truth.  One example that people like to quote is that 'uncircumcised males are ten times more likely to develop a certain form of penile cancer.'  When you look further into this however you will find that A) the cancer is incredibly rare, B) it does not usually develop until very late in life (eighty years or older) and C) That ten percent that sounds so huge is the difference of a tenth of a percent.  .008 to .0008.  That does not seem like such good justification for surgery any more.   I had, however, heard horror stories about someones "best friends-cousins-son" whose foreskin had never retracted and he needed surgery later in life.  This is also VERY rare, and often misdiagnosed.  Often it is the result of a parent or guardian not knowing how to care for an intact penis.  Luckily, the rules for care are simple: you clean an intact penis like you would clean your pinky. Do not retract, EVER.  Only clean what is seen.  :)  The foreskin remains intact in young boys to protect them from infection.  It is not uncommon for them to remain somewhat intact until as old as 8 or even 10, which carries no risk to the child.  If the foreskin does become 'too tight' they have now developed a simple steroidal cream that usually fixes everything in a few applications.  No need for surgery.

    Based on the Bible, I do not believe that Christians are meant to be circumcised.  It is often referenced as a Jewish tradition (Jewish circumcisions are a ritual nick, not removal of the entire gland.)  There are many clear objections to circumcision in the Bible as well.  There are verses that describe circumcision, or any promise made through the flesh, as a shallow promise to God.  And I truly believe, as the Bible says, that any promise to God must be made with your soul, not your body.  The Bible also says that God created man in his image, and that he was created whole, and pronounced "Good" by God.  I do not see how God would create us perfectly, then ask us to cut off a functioning and useful part of our body.  I reeeally wish I could find my original list I had compiled, but unfortunately I lost it when my daughter decided to bathe our last computer.  However I can provide you with a few links to get you started.  Less than half of the baby boys now born in the United States are circumcised, and yet circumcision kills more babies in the country each year than SIDS or car accidents.  These were my two biggest fears with bringing a newborn home, and I couldn't imagine God wanting me to do something even more dangerous to my child, when it didn't benefit him in any way.

  I have many, many reasons why I believe it is an unnecessary risk to children.  But I feel I have already said quite a bit and I didn't want to overwhelm you, or make you feel attacked in any way.  If there is any issue at all that you have a question about, or anything that you think still justifies the procedure, please feel free to write or call and ask.  I do not judge parents for the choices they make, because I know they are making these choices with their child's best interests at heart.  The reason I am so passionate about this subject is because once I started posting links to the information I was finding I had quite a few mothers come to me and say that they now regretted circumcising their sons, and that it was the worst experience of their life.  I have also had several male friends privately speak to me, or message me, and tell me that now that they understand what was done to them, and how it now affects them (loss of sensation, scarring, botched procedures, need for male enhancements, etc) they are angry that it was done to them and that their rights were taken away from them.  I am passionate because I want to protect as many babies and their families from these feelings of regret and pain as possible.  Even if you do not feel comfortable having me attend your birth, I hope this information has been helpful to you and I hope the rest of your pregnancy and your delivery go beautifully. 

This is the best I was able to find

This site has a huge list of resources on the sidebar.

This site is loaded with information.

Again, I wish you and your family the best of luck.  If you wish to discuss anything, or would still be interested in meeting I would love to hear from you.

Best wishes!

 This little one is not screaming, he is not sleeping, but he has gone into shock - a semi-comatose state that the human body slips into in order to physically survive extreme pain and trauma.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

mmmm...Humble Pie can be delicious.

     I decided to look at the info section on my facebook account this morning and ended up having a decent little laugh at myself.  There were two paragraphs that I wrote when my daughter was about seven months old or so that just aren't *as* true fourteen months later.  My ideals and beliefs haven't changed much, if at all, in that time.  I have, however, gained some experience in the ways reality, and my daughters idea of how things should be, do not always go along with my ideals. 

     When I say my ideals have not changed, I mean that I still believe in most of the things I wrote here.  I believe these are excellent points for parents to strive towards and I can say I pursued most of them to the best of my ability at the time.  But with Bean being light enough for me to cart around town in a sling for hours, and not yet running through the house like a tornado, fourteen month younger me did not realize that I may have been biting off more than I could chew.  Without further ado, here are the two paragraphs in question:

"I believe strongly in women and children's rights. I am an intactivist, lactivist, and home birth advocate. It is also my opinion that Cry it out, sleep training, forced feeding schedules, and spanking are ALL child abuse. Circumcision IS mutilation. If you add me please understand that these topics will be discussed on my page.

When it comes to my daughter I believe in breast feeding on HER schedule, baby wearing, cloth diapers, attachment parenting, organic foods, co-sleeping (when she feels like it,) delayed vaccines, signing, nighttime parenting, peaceful parenting, and gentle mothering. I also acknowledge that these choices are not a good fit for all mothers, or all babies and what works for us may not work for someone else. So long as your choices are made with your child's best interests at heart, they are the right ones for you both."

So,  here is my revision with just over a year of extra experience as my editor.

I believe strongly in women and children's rights. I am an intactivist, lactivist, and home birth advocate. It is also my opinion that Cry it out, sleep training, forced feeding schedules, and spanking are ALL child abuse. Circumcision IS mutilation. I If you add me please understand that these topics will be discussed on my page.  First paragraph: check.  These things are all still true.  Now, onto the tricky one.

When it comes to my daughter I believe in breast feeding on HER schedule. I believe in it. That does not mean I always liked it.  For instance, her being hungry as soon as my food was ready was not my favorite thing in the world.  I was also not a fan of her being hungry six times in the same night.  I did it, don't get me wrong.  I didn't always love it.  Now though, if I could go back I would.

baby wearing, Another wonderful idea that I still fully support.  I also think that without my stroller certain outings would not have happened, or would not have lasted long.  I have a shoulder that now pops from holding my little daring so much, and bad knees and a bad back from 10 years of gymnastics.  Supporting an extra twenty-seven or more pounds (Beans weight from about 12 months on) all of the time is not ideal.  And sometimes,  I just don't want to have another human being attached to me.

cloth diapers,  I LOVE them.  I have an addiction to cute prints and trying different types.  I even like trying new ways of washing them.  You know what else I have?  A stash of sposies for days when I just can't do it, or forgot to turn the washer on. Sometimes, those days can feel luxurious.

attachment parenting, I wasn't fully aware at the time I wrote this that saying you believe in attachment parenting puts you into a bubble of sometimes overly detailed rules.  I like the idea, I like most of the ideas, and I would never call myself an attachment parent.  I prefer the term 'instinctual parent,' it better describes our way of parenting.  We do what feels right for us and for Bean, not what a website or book tells us.

organic foods, DUH! way to state the obvious probably-overtired-me.  I'll let you in on a secret though.  Last week, after a play-date gone wrong, two freak outs in the car, and an emergency trip to the grandparents house where all Bean ate was some watermelon and some crackers (that mostly ended up in the pool) I realized she was about to fall asleep on the ride home with almost nothing in her belly and quickly grabbed some McNuggets before loosing her to the sandman.  Much to my surprise she didn't vomit or poo her brains out and her skin has yet to fall off.  This will not become a habit by any means, but the last thing I want to do is give off a holy-than-thou vibe either.  In the cabinet, next to the slew of Anne's organic products and above the fruit bowl, there are fruit snacks and an Ettenmen's cake too.

co-sleeping (when she feels like it,)   My daughter does not like co-sleeping unless we are somewhere new.  I fought against this for months, and still try to sneak her next to me for a nap on occasion, but she absolutely loves her crib.  It's a loosing battle.

delayed vaccines, I was planning the Dr. Sears delayed schedule and unfortunately she got her first few rounds.  Now, we're not so sure what, if any, we are going to give her.  I believe there may be a time and place for certain vaccines, but I don't believe that is right now and in my daughter.  We still say delayed because I have not fully formed my opinion or gathered enough information, but we are definitely pointed towards a 'No Thank You.'

signing, It was a life saver.  I highly recommend teaching at least 'milk, food, more, and diaper.'  Learning signs also prompted her to make up some of her own, which was adorable.  My favorite was the way she would wiggle her fingers together, trying to mimic my motions during the itsy-bitsy spider, when she wanted someone to sing to her.  <3

nighttime parenting, This, I don't feel is an option. 

peaceful parenting, Like attachment parenting, I liked this term more before I realized it put you into a bubble and I still believe in most of it's ideas, but I don't like that people attack each other for not fitting perfectly into the same mold all the time. 

and gentle mothering.  Again, DUH!  But if she is about to pull a vase onto her head or stick a penny into the light socket I am not capable of gently saying "No, no Bean" as I softly pull her hand away.  I am going to scream like my head is on fire and run over to swoop her up and stop her.  It's not a gentle approach, but she doesn't go near the stove anymore because mommy freaks.

I also acknowledge that these choices are not a good fit for all mothers, or all babies and what works for us may not work for someone else. So long as your choices are made with your child's best interests at heart, they are the right ones for you both.  This paragraph, I believe, I wrote as a forward to my future self.  If you want to do the best for your child, and you're genuinely trying and they are genuinely happy and well loved, you're doing a good job.  It's okay that you're not perfect and they're not reading by two, hang in there and keep trying.  They most likely won't end up a serial killer because they stole a sip of grandma's Coca-cola that one time while someone was watching Family Guy.  It'll all be okay.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm terrified of my wedding day

     I went to a wedding yesterday, and on multiple occasions I had to fight back tears.  One, I don't wear make up enough to know if mine runs when I cry.  Two, we're not close enough for me to be crying at their wedding without looking like a nut-job. 

     Our friend was resplendent coming down the aisle, but my eyes were glued to the man at her side.  I tried to pick out every emotion; the pride, the joy, the love, and even the nervousness at being watched by so many people and imagine what those emotions would look like on my fathers face.  When they reached the end of their walk and she kissed his cheek I had to hold my breath to stop the sound in my throat.  When he gave his speech at the reception I couldn't help but think how different I'm sure my fathers would be, and how I would probably be a bit of a nervous wreck while he gave it wondering if at any moment he may swear, threaten my husband, or tell an embarrassing story.  No matter how nervous I may have been, I would give anything to hear that speech.

      I thought when we began planning that a year would be enough time for me to grow stronger.  I thought that if I poured myself into something happy and joyous it would help, and that maybe it would distract my family and help them too.  But mostly I thought that I had already waited too long.  The one thing that I had planned for my wedding day was the song I would dance to with my father.  I had known it for years, it was the one thing I could always picture clearly; it is the one thing that day I cannot make happen no matter how badly I wish for it.  I didn't think I could bare to have anyone else missing that day, and so I began to plan.  Even now my reason for sticking to our date when I'm struggling to plan is that I feel like somehow, if I push it back at all, I will jinx myself and lose someone else.

      I'm worried, now that those holes in my day may be more than I can handle.  I know I will be happy, thrilled, and in love.  I will have everyone who matters to me in one place as I celebrate spending the rest of my life with the most amazing man I have ever known.  And I'm so afraid I will ruin it.  I haven't been able to pick a song to walk down the aisle to because it hurts to imagine.  Even now, the thought of taking those steps without him by my side makes me crumble.  My biggest fear is that in the moment when I am supposed to be my happiest, I won't be able to focus.  I don't know if a year is enough time.  I don't know if enough time exists.  I feel like yelling at myself for being a spoiled brat.  I was lucky to have a father I loved so much.  I'm lucky to have found a wonderful man to marry, and to be able to have a wedding.  I'm lucky to still have so much of my family here at my age.  I know all of this and I want to tell myself all of the senseless things people tell someone at times like this "You can't focus on that" and "Just remember the good time" or "Don't LET it ruin your day," but I know all of those things are just what you say when you can't relate, or don't know what to say.  If doing any of them was possible, I wouldn't be writing this. 

     I want to hear him swear when his eyes well up, and get annoyed with him for ruffling my hair.  I would give anything for the things I know he would do, and the surprises he always managed.

     He should have been there.  He deserved to get to walk the child he raised down the aisle.  He deserved to celebrate with his family.  He deserved a dance with his granddaughter.  He deserved being more than a locket tied to a bouquet, and the reason for his daughters tears.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Birth of Selene (Birth Story Part 3)

     Despite being exhausted in every sense of the word, I pushed with all I had. I have no idea what order they went in, but positions ranged from laying down, squatting, standing, kneeling, and being on a birthing stool.  John was my constant support, often literally and Cari was always within reach and giving me water.  Thirst was a constant.  At some point while I sort of hung off the end of the bed between Johns legs my midwife began giving me little cliff bar energy packets that tasted awful but I forced them down.  I kept thinking that this was the home stretch and I wanted to be alert when my baby came. 

     We were back in the bedroom when she did yet another check and told me that the anterior lip (part of my cervix that wasn’t fully open) had swollen and was blocking my daughter from descending.  I didn’t have energy to get upset, I just asked what to do.  Her solution was for me to continue pushing while she attempted to move the lip back and around the babies head.  I thought I knew pain before this, and I was wrong.  I screamed now.  There was no attempting to maintain dignity.  There was no desire to impress her, or anyone else.  I screamed and I begged her to stop, I tried to wiggle away and may have even tried to kick her.  It was torture.  I have no other word.  I begged her to stop, to get out of my body, and she refused saying it was for my own good. I couldn’t see how this was good.  Even in the now dense fog of pain relievers my body was attempting to give me I knew something wasn’t right and felt there had to be a better way.  John, who had been awake with me for most of the past 30 hours or so without food said he wasn’t feeling well.  I didn’t think of it until later, but I imagine seeing his wife in that state may have led to his stomach upset.  When he asked me if he looked pale the midwife snapped “It’s not about you right now!”  Cari spoke up that he didn’t look well, and hadn’t eaten and convinced him to go get something to eat.  I was too tired to speak or argue and thankful that someone was looking out for him as well.  It may have been me birthing, but it was his child as well and I wanted him ready to receive her happy and healthy.

     After her trying to move the lip back by force some more, and getting very annoyed with me screaming and pleading with her to stop, I was allowed to return to the tub to try to stop my pushing.  I had moved the baby down just enough that now every contraction forced me to push.  The only way to describe it would be vomiting in reverse.  I had no more control over my body trying to push the baby out than you do over not blinking if someone claps in your face.  My doula had hung a quote up for me that said ‘the power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it is you.‘  It had helped in the middle of my labor, but now I felt like the power might tear me to shreds.  I refused  to take Unisom so we opened a bottle of mead I had been saving for after the baby was born and I drank a glass.  It was delicious but I had to choke it back and I can’t say it did anything to calm me.  I figured everyone else in the house was most likely frayed at this point and offered for them to each have a glass as well. I may not have been very coherent, but I still had some manners left.

     When it was clear nothing was going to stop my body from trying to move the baby down we went back to trying every position we could think of to wiggle her around the edge of my cervix.  I could hear my voice, far-far away, roaring.  For a moment I was proud of myself for being able to make such a noise.  While I was pushing on the bed the midwife announced she could finally see my daughters head and had Cari take a look.  Her beaming smile gave me hope and a small measure of strength to keep pushing.  I would find out later that the amount of head she could see was the size of a dime and largely obscured by my cervix, which resembled a blood sausage. The midwifes assistant suggested we try stairs and lunges to open me and move my hips around.  Few things are as annoying as trying to remember how the hell to do a lunge after thirty something hours of labor.  We decided I should put some pants on and try walking up and down the stairs outside my apartment.  When she tried to convince me to put a depends on for any bleeding I flat out refused.  I had to hold on to some part of my dignity and that would be it. We went out to the stairs and a small part of me hoped someone would come out of their apartment.  I was beginning to wonder if the outside world still existed at all.  I lunged up and down the stairs with John by my side.  When a contraction would come, forcing me to push, I would practically climb up him trying to escape the pain.  There were scratches and bruises to attest to the strength with which I tried to escape for days afterward. 

     When my legs felt like they could not carry me any further we went back inside.  I was on the birthing stool again, and still roaring.  I had been pleading for hours now for someone to let me go.  Something didn’t feel right, but I couldn’t seem to get anyone to hear me and help me leave.  I knew Cari couldn’t, it is outside of what we’re allowed to do.  And I don’t think John had realized I was serious. Finally my midwife looked at me and said “I can’t watch you do this anymore.”  It was what I needed.  I had wanted a homebirth more than anything, and I believed in natural birth and my ability to birth, but something had gone wrong and I did not believe it was going to happen with this child.  Someone saying it, and finally saying it was okay for me not to do this, was a relief.  The feeling of failure set in immediately and I just wanted this all to be over.  While everyone scurried to get things together, find a hospital, and alert the hospital that we were coming I was lost in my failure. The ride to the hospital was the worst of my life, but I think I was able to get a bit of rest.

     When we got to the hospital everything went into fast forward.  I was put into a wheel chair, which I was too tired to refuse, and rushed up to somewhere.  I was told I could only have two people in the room with me and momentarily became frantic.  I wanted Cari, but I knew the laws and knew she couldn’t speak for me the way a midwife could, so I chose John and my midwife.  I instantly regretted my decision but didn’t know what else to do.  John and midwife stayed out to talk to the doctor while I was taken into the room.  I went into the bathroom even though I knew I didn’t have to go and when I came out a nurse was there.  I asked her what we could do to stop me pushing and she held up a hospital gown and told me “we can’t do anything until you’re wearing this.” I knew she was full of shit, and I knew my rights, but I could feel a contraction coming on so I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and my pants and shoes off just in time to fall to my knees and yell “There! Now DO something!” as another contraction took hold.  She was shocked for just a moment before handing over the gown.  She said there was paper work, and fluids, and blah blah blah before anything could be done.  I forced myself to pay attention and only signed papers I was 100% sure on.  I asked for my water and she told me I wasn’t allowed to have it, my fluids bag would give me all I needed.  I told her if I was going to aspirate something I would rather water than bile and ordered John to give me my water bottle, daring her to take it from me.  She left the room in a hissy fit and never came back.  The doctor came in and checked me and said she couldn’t see how the baby would get past the lip.  She asked a lot of questions about how long I had been pushing, how long my water had been broken, and about my midwife.  Eventually I was told I was becoming exhausted and would need a c-section. My midwife briefly came in to see what the doctor said, and that was the last I saw of her.  She had given up on me and again I regretting not choosing Cari.

     My next nurse was lovely.  I told her right away that I wanted to go to the bathroom, and even though she knew I didn’t really have to go she said that whatever made me comfortable was just fine with her.  She told me that the woman in the room next to me needed an emergency c-section so I was going to have to wait for the anesthesiologist to come give me an epidural. Before helping me walk my I.V pole over she told me she wished she could give me something to help me stop pushing, but she knew I wanted a natural labor.  I didn’t remember saying this until John told me the next day, but I replied “that’s pretty much out the fucking window now isn’t it!  Please…just make it stop.”  She helped me to the bathroom and left to get me drugs.  It was at this point I told John I wanted to die.  He laughed it off a bit saying “of course you don’t honey.” but at the time the pain coupled with failure was more than I thought I could bare, and I meant it.  We were in a hospital, and the baby would survive, but I didn’t know how much more I had in me; and at that point the baby seemed like an impossible dream.

     The nurse gave me a shot of Stadol and the pushing stopped. I was asleep nearly instantly.  I woke up once and saw my mother standing over me.  I asked how she had gotten there and if she was okay, then apologized for not being able to keep my eyes open.  She brushed my hair back from my face while staring at me with a look I didn’t recognize and told me it was okay and I should get some rest.  I said I was sorry one more time and slipped back into sleep.  I woke up about half an hour later dully aware of my body beginning to push again and became very alert.  I saw John sleeping on the desk in the corner and called out to him.  A minute later I was back to full on pushing, writhing in my bed without the blessed oxytocin to help me.

     John must have done something because people were quickly back in the room.  My nurse was checking my machines to see how I was doing, John was putting on his scrubs, and the doctor was explaining what would happen next.  She told me she wanted to check me one more time before letting me get an epidural.  I told her I appreciated it, but I did not want another check.  I was amazed when she told me that it was important to her that I had wanted a natural birth and she wasn’t comfortable giving me an epidural until she knew I couldn’t have one.  I trusted her because of this and allowed her to check me.  A huge smile crossed her face and she told me “I can see the head!”  John and I simultaneously responded that we’ve been able to see the head for hours and it didn’t matter.  She made John turn and look and I’ve never seen such happiness on his face as I did then. 

     The little bit of rest from the Stadol had allowed me to relax my muscles and stop forcing the babies head the wrong way, she had shifted while I slept and was now much further down the birth canal.  That was all I needed to start really enjoying my pushing.  I could feeling her making slow and steady progress now and it was exhilarating!  I could feel her head about to come out, but something was stopping her.  I heard the doctor say to a nurse that she hates episiotomies (a cut to widen the opening for the baby), but thought she would have to do one on me.  I told her I didn’t want one and she was okay with this.  But a few minutes later I could feel that I wasn’t making progress.  Something wasn’t moving correctly and I told her it was okay.  I was trusting my instincts this time.  I felt the ‘ring of fire’ when her head began to crown and heard the lovely nurse telling me to ‘push through the pain honey’ but I smiled and told her it didn’t hurt.  I could feel it yes, but I was too happy to care.  My daughter was coming and I would see her soon and nothing else mattered.  I remember the feeling of her head coming out being intense, but I wouldn’t call it bad.   After her body came out I heard the doctor ask for something to clamp the cord and yelled “No don’t!“  I told her I wanted them to wait until it stopped pulsing and she looked bemused, but not annoyed.  The man waiting to weigh and score my baby was clearly impatient and told her he had to go.  She told him I had been through enough and deserved this, he could wait.  The placenta came quickly and I was handed my beautiful and bruised baby girl.  The video of her birth shows me asking “did anyone even check to make sure she’s a girl?“ and then lifting her leg to be sure.  Very soon after I began holding her I could hear frantic noises next to me.  I listened and heard someone ask where all the blood was coming from.  The doctor ordered pitocin and a nervous voice said that they had already given me some.  Two women began frantically pressing on my belly.  I knew they were trying to get my uterus to contract, and I knew I was hemorrhaging.  There were snippets “I don’t know where it’s coming from,“ “there’s so much,“ “can we give her more,“ all I could think was there was no way I was leaving this beautiful girl now that I finally had her and then I heard “okay…she’s okay.“ The cord eventually stopped pulsing and my husband cut it, then my not wrapped or cleaned baby was allowed to lay on my chest with clear eyes. We were still in triage. I quickly went into the bathroom to shower and rinse off and came out to a dimly lit room full of my family and loved ones, and saw my father holding my sweet girl with tears in his eyes.  I laid down with her and luxuriated in her scent and feel, and felt deeply connected to everyone in the room.  I birthed my daughter at 6:05 pm, after 37 hours of labor, 23 hours of active labor, and 12 hours of pushing, to the cheers and smiles of a hospital room full of strangers who believed in me, with my husband still in surgical scrubs and an IV in my arm, and it was perfect.

     I would later learn that my midwife had lied to the doctors and that is why there were so many questions when I arrived.  I had also become big news in the hospital and everyone seemed to want to meet us and talk to the woman who transferred from home. I am still struggling with what happened and with my feelings of inadequacy, but I realize how much worse things could have been, and I know we were saved in the end and amazingly lucky. 

I think Mama Birth said it perfectly when she said   “No, I don't need to see the world to know that I am both strong and weak, powerful and frail; labor has taught me that already.”

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Opening (Birth Story Part 2)

     I went into the shower to try find relief and my wonderful doula got soaked while putting pressure on my lower back.  I remember staring at the horrible pink tiles and thinking the lines in them looked like elephants, I may have shared this observation with Cari, I can’t recall.  I moaned through some, hit the wall through some, and wiggled, stood, or laid down through others.  I remember thinking before I went into labor that if I got into water I would try to keep my hair dry so I wouldn’t look awful in any pictures, but as I watched the drops run down my bangs I honestly could not have cared less.   

     When the midwife arrived 4 or 5 hours later I was still in the shower with poor sopping Cari by my side.  Cari told her I was active and vocalizing well, so she asked me to get out so she could check me.  Part of me thrilled at the idea and part of me cowered, but I went.  It was painful, and I remember moaning loudly, staring into my husbands face.  The pain was quickly replaced by the Earth shattering news that I was only two to three centimeters dilated.  It hit me like a blow to the gut.  My doula had to tell me later that what she said was two to three centimeters, because my memory was only that she had said two.  That was the number I was clinging to. She did this Clingon-like motion with her fingers to show me how big that was and my stomach nearly turned over at the sight.  I was crushed and her seeming annoyance at being right did nothing to make me feel better.  I couldn’t understand how I could have been in so much pain for so long, with contractions so close together and only have reached 2 cm’s.  I had been sure I would be at least at a 5 and the news knocked the wind out of me.  At this point, I cried.  I wasn’t balling, but I felt a few tears stream down my face as I tried to focus on the midwifes assistants face.  All I could think was that it had taken me at hours of intense pain to get those 2 centimeters and I still had 8 more to go.  I couldn’t fathom how I would go on for that long.  All of my knowledge about how the first 4 cm’s are the hardest and longest was gone from me.  To me each centimeter was going to take just as long, and be just as awful as the 2 I already had, or worse.   I heard my voice repeating “I don’t know if I can do this.  I don’t know if I can do this.“   I searched the faces in the room for understanding, but I saw only annoyance in my midwife and her assistant. I was told once again I needed to rest and was left alone in the bedroom with my husband.  I shut up, feeling now like a weakling and a failure.  How could all of these other women do this and describe it so beautifully and never loose hope?  What was wrong with me?  I tried to rest, I even succeeded a few times, glimpsing sleep for a minute or two before waking up at the peak of a rush with no way out.  I tried to remain calm and listen to my body.  I focused on each limb and asked it how it wanted to be moved, not daring to take on my whole body at once.  I made the in and out movement of my breath my whole world, each rush a wave to be ridden, and I still felt everything.

      I heard voices from the other room and began straining to hear.  Even in labor, I was being nosey.  I believe I heard Cari ask if she should (or could) come in to see me, but it’s what I heard next that shattered any confidence I may have been clinging to.  My midwife who had only been with me through a handful of contractions, most of which with her hand inside me cause me more extreme pain, angrily retaliated “This is just ridiculous, I’m not going to coddle her through every contraction!”  John started talking to me, pulling me back to lay down and I wanted to hit him.  I wanted to hear what else was being said, but he had heard it too and was trying to distract me.  I angrily pulled away, but by the time I got him to shut up they were quiet.  So that was it, I was failing.  I was weak and I was a bad birther.  I was suddenly flooded with memories of my midwife and her assistant telling me about other women whose births they had just attended.  Some they would describe as beautiful, but others they would roll their eyes at and even laugh while telling me about the noises they made, or the way they acted.  I hadn’t liked it at the time, but it was near the end of my pregnancy and I still really liked my midwife, and I had always assumed she was telling me these stories as a peer, being a doula.  Now I wondered what mean things they would say about me and what a bad birther I was.  Cry baby?  Complainer? Drama queen?  And of course the two words that would now haunt the rest of my labor: Weak and Failure.
     I was mad now, but not at the right people.  I was mad at myself.   I had tried so, so hard not to be a complainer.  I didn’t want to speak negatively about my birth because I wanted to remember it in a positive way.   I had thought I had been controlling myself well, I had thought I was coping the way I had seen other women cope, but now I felt less-than, and I was mad at myself for it.  I got back into the shower, not knowing what else I could possibly do.  I decided to try a visualization we were taught in Hypnobabies to help us work with the pain to open for the baby, but when I tried to focus on my uterus or where the pain was coming from during a contraction I would get lost.  The pain didn’t seem to be coming from anywhere near my belly, it was everywhere.  The only way I can describe it is like trying to focus on the part of your body that has water on it while getting thrown around under a wave searching for the surface; it was everywhere and it was all encompassing.  Pain became the force singing through every cell of my body.  The pinnacle, if anywhere, was not my uterus it was radiating from my back.

     The midwife said she was going to set the tub up in my living room, so I had to get out of the shower.  At this point modesty was not a concern of mine, so I stood leaning my head against the towel rod while Cari sat on the toilet and put pressure on my lower back.  Something about the angle was pure perfection.  I could still feel the rushes, and they were still intense, but they were manageable.  This I could do.  When I told Cari how much better things were this way she told me she thought I was having back labor.  My thinking brain turned on again momentarily and everything made sense.  I wasn’t as weak as I thought, I was having back labor!  These contractions, these manageable, no-so-bad ones were what most women felt and what I was feeling before was what women described as hell.  This made me feel strong again, and it restored some of my faith in my body.  I was even able to joke with Cari and promised not to leak anything on her while she rubbed by back.  I continued vocalizing on a lower scale until the midwife came in to say the tub was done.  I mustered a smile and told her I would go in the tub when  I needed it, but I was very happy leaning against the wall.  She looked irritated again and my smile faltered.  “What do you mean they feel better?”  I told her it was back labor and Cari was making it bearable for me.  Something in her face made me think this was the wrong answer.  “If you were really in that much pain in the first place then nothing would be helping you.”  I spent my next contraction visualizing bouncing her face off the door jam and momentarily wondered if labor counted for a temporary insanity plea.  I then relinquished myself to try out the living room. 

     The birth ball helped for a few contractions, but there were knives in my back and my nerves were pulled taunt so it wasn’t enough.  At some point I was checked again and found to be at 4 or 5 cm’s.  I have no memory of this check, but it convinced her I was really in labor so I was allowed to go into the tub.  John, my husband, came in and sat behind me.  He rubbed my back for a while and the water helped. It wasn’t the ‘natural epidural’ so many women had praised it as being, but it was help.  I tried to get up to go to the bathroom and was told I didn’t really have to go, it was just the babies head.  I remember saying “I don’t care, I don’t want to poop in my tub.”  I remember being in the bathroom briefly but am told I was actually in there for a very long time.  Every few minutes I would come to the door, open it, shut it, and disappear again.  I remember doing this twice because I would think I was ready to go back to the tub, but as soon as a new rush would come I would sit back down.  Eventually I called out that I felt sick and someone brought bag to puke it.  I didn‘t need it right away, but took it with me back to the living room.  I tried leaning on hands and knees over the birth ball again.  The rushes seemed to be coming so quickly they were colliding into each other.  Cari had been rubbing my shoulders and encouraging me when I looked up at her with tears in my eyes and said “I don’t know if I can do this.  This is so awful I don’t know if I can take transition.”  There was a faint smile when she told me “I think you are.”  The thought was amazing to me.  I got back into the tub and was finally able to rest between rushes while leaning against John.  Every once in a while a rush would be so intense it would make me call out for my puke bag and every time the midwife would ask me if I had ever been abused.  All my knowledge of birth was gone at this point, so I couldn’t understand why she was asking and I was annoyed at her for it.  She also kept asking if I was sure my water had broke earlier, even though I had told her what color the strip had been.

     There was a blessed relief as things began to slow down slightly and my contractions spaced out a bit.  This seemed to just annoy my midwife further and she began making me panic that I was somehow failing again. I was again asked to leave my comfort zone and go get checked again.  This check brought the very unexpected and welcome news that I was dilated fully to 10 centimeters.  I found a sudden rush of energy with this news and dared to smile again.  I was told there was a slight cervical lip, but it was okay to push.  I didn’t have the urge at the time, and not pushing before my body told me to had been something we discussed at my prenatal appointments, but I had been awake for 24 hours now, my thinking brain was MIA, and I wanted this to be over, so I began to push.  This is when things began to go wrong.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Heading into Labor (birth story part 1)

     My beautiful daughter is 17 months old today, and I am finally ready to sit and write a more honest story of her birth.  My labor began in true-to-Hollywood form with my water breaking at 3 am.  It wasn’t a gush, just a small trickle that continued when I got up to go to the bathroom.  I check the leaking fluid with the strips my midwife had given me and watched it turn the long awaited blue.  I went into the bedroom to nuzzle my husband “Sweetheart, you need to call work.  You’re not going in today.”  “Why not?”  I giggled, kissed his neck, and sent my midwife a text.  I tried to get some rest, but was far too excited.  I went to the computer to play some games, hoping to tire myself out looking at the screen.  To say the cramps were mild would be an understatement, but there was a little something going on. 

     I know it’s hard to believe, especially in a culture that teaches women to be terrified of birth, but I had no fear going into my labor.  I read books by Carol Leonard and Ina May Gaskin like they were my bible, watched countless births online,  and followed the natural birthing blogs.  I trusted the process, trusted my body, and trusted my support team. I was genuinely excited for the chance to labor and bring my baby into the world naturally.  And besides I was a doula attending births until my 8th month of pregnancy, I would know what to do…right?

     I was able to get a few hours of sleep and cuddling with the hubby in, then ate a healthy breakfast, and drank some tea.  Still some mild cramping, but nothing I would even pay attention to had I not known what it portended. I enjoyed looking through the nursery, made sure everything was in place, and then grew bored. It was a beautiful day out, so we decided to go for a walk by the river.  I had a few good ones while we were out, but I was concerned they seemed to only hurt in my back.  It was at this point I got a taste of what to expect from my midwife.  She called to see how I was doing and I told her things weren’t strong yet and I was still having a very easy time so not to worry.  Her response was “well don’t get too excited, this is going to get a lot harder.“  I found this lack of confidence slightly irritating but quickly forgot it.  After our walk we stopped by my in laws house because I had to pee “Like now!”  My father in law was home and noticed something was up, so we told him that we thought labor would be starting soon.  Then, logically, we went and got fried clams.  I had been craving seafood my entire pregnancy and wanted to enjoy it the way only a pregnant woman could one more time before having the baby.  We went home to get some more rest and things finally began picking up.  Contractions were every 5 minutes or so, but still very manageable and my doula was on her way. 

    When she arrived around 5 o’clock things were clearly starting to happen, but I was comfortable.  She gave me a Luna bar to eat and we went for a quick walk around the block because I was feeling restless.  While we were out I got another call from the midwife.  I told her I was feeling restless and went for a walk, then I would be going home to relax.  She asked how strong my contractions were and I told her they were still very easy to handle she then warned me again not to be too confident because my work hadn’t begun yet.  I was annoyed and decided I wasn’t going to talk to her again until I knew things were really going.  I didn’t need someone telling me how weak I was going to be.  Her seeming lack of faith in me and my ability to birth was disheartening since she had never said anything like that through my entire pregnancy. It wasn’t that I thought this was going to be easy, I knew birthing was a lot of work, but I was looking forward to it and felt like she was trying to take that from me.

     When we got back I decided I wanted to laugh and open myself that way, so we put in a Kat Williams DVD.  Near the end of that things got much more intense.  I was on hands and knees now through most rushes and my doula was putting pressure on my back.  At some point we switched over to Dennis Leary, but I was unable to pay any attention to it.  I stood up after a very strong rush and began pacing, telling my doula I have no idea what to do.  I had expected from my training and trust in my body that I would just know what to do with myself to make the contractions hurt less, and my body was not telling me anything I could understand.  We called the midwife to let her know that things were getting intense and I was having a good, strong, minute-long rush every 3 minutes .  She said she had just gotten home from another birth and was very tired, so I should try to get some rest and to call her when things picked up more.  I began feeling more panic, these contractions were HARD and close and she had said when I got to the magic 3-1-1 (3 minutes apart, lasting a minute, for an hour) she would come.  This sudden deviation from the plan sent me whirling.

     My husband suggested we go into the bedroom to relax and listen to our hypnobaby CD since the midwife had said to relax and rest.  I tried, I did, but it was no use.  Every time I would start to relax with the CD a wave would rush over me and nothing I was doing would relax it away.  He rubbed my back, I relaxed my muscles and did my breathing exercises, and I listened to the CD.  I don’t know how long I laid there struggling to hypnotize myself but eventually I bolted upright when another strong one hit and yelled “This is bullshit! This isn’t doing anything. I don’t feel like I’m on a fucking cloud…it HURTS!”  I yelled for Cari, my doula and told her “I don’t know what to do. It hurts, bad and I thought I would know what to do but I don’t. What do I do?”  She said something comforting enough to calm me down, and I began kissing my husband through each rush.  It was a wonderful distraction, and it worked for a while.  We called the midwife and were again told to wait.  This is where the beautiful oxytocin must have really started kicking in, because things get a little fuzzy from here, but I’ll do my best to tell you what I remember.  Eventually she said she was on her way, but she sounded very hesitant and annoyed.  She said I only had an hour or two until she would be with us.  There is a blurry period of a few hours where I was in and out of sleep and pain, waiting for the midwife to come. I remember laying in bed, seeing my doula’s face, and feeling my husband next to me, but the details are lost. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Touch of Divinity

I’m not sure what exactly is sparking this sudden insurgence against “God” but I have noticed a few people posting quite a bit lately about how they do not believe in a God, and some of them have actually been bashing those who do believe.  I’ve been patient, I’ve even entered into a few friendly discussions with people who are capable of holding one, but  it’s getting old.  I do not agree with most of religion, I do not agree with telling people how to live, and I do not think that if there is a God(dess) or anything at all they are a judgmental tyrant who will punish us for not having infallible faith and living exactly the way they want, when they themselves did not design us to live that way.  That being said, I do believe in a Divine.  What that is exactly, I’m not sure.  But I absolutely believe it is there.  And  as much as I understand speaking out against organized religion for the harm it has caused the world, I do not understand what these people are hoping to prove by attempting to disprove the divine.  If you do not believe, that’s fine.  I don’t necessarily believe it will negatively affect your life one way or another to be honest. And I don’t feel any desire to persuade  you either.  What I am getting annoyed with is the unfounded attacks on those who do believe.  You are aware that you are being just as rude, close minded, and ignorant as those you are so vehemently speaking out against, correct?  Because with exception to ONE person I know involved in this little outburst, the rest of the people I am seeing are being all of these things.  It is fine to say what you believe.  It is fine to say why.  It is not okay to insult those who think differently than you. 
     My annoyance stems for the insinuation that those who believe in something ’other’  are less intelligent than you.  I am not a girl who believes just anything that is presented to me.  I questions EVERYTHING, and I do it constantly.  I check, double check, and then come to my own conclusions.  And I did not come to my beliefs easily.  I have had experiences that have proven to me that there is a Divine.  I am not going to share them because they are deeply personal and, honestly, I do not feel an internet debate deserves them. 
     One of my favorite posts was someone who said “ I will ask the question any intelligent person would ask … prove it”  Okay genius, DIS prove it.  Oh wait, you can’t? Except with evidence that I’m just supposed to believe is absolute but you can’t REALLY ever be 100% sure on?  Well now wait…that sounds a lot like what you are condemning other people for saying.  The fact is, if there is a divine, it does not care enough about our squabbling to present itself just to disprove YOU. 
     And many of the reasons I have for believing in a divine are science and real-world based as well.  They may not be  things that can be 100% proven, but you cannot disprove them either.  So quite frankly, if you want to question my intelligence because I look at the same unanswerable  questions as you and come up with a different hypothesis, I don’t give a damn.  I am always willing to question the conclusions I have come to and hear out the other side, can you honestly say you are capable of the same?  Obviously not.  You have made up your mind with the same conviction of those who believed the burning times were justified and you will hear out the other side with the same open-mindedness of Galileo’s captors.
     I remember marveling at the complexity of little veins in my daughters eyelids when she was a newborn, this amazing, perfectly working little system I had grown but didn’t even fully understand.  It is a system that has to work exactly right the first time, or life cannot be sustained.    I saw the divine in every little line running under her pail skin.  I remember watching a video of a lion that had been rescued running up and actually hugging the humans who had rescued him, years after being released from their care.  There is no evolutionary reason for him to respond, feel, or remember the way he did.  I see the history of this planet, the otherwise unexplained booms in evolution, and I see a gentle hand urging our earliest ancestors on.    I’m not saying if there is a Divine it necessarily has a plan laid out for all of us, or that it’s even THAT involved in our lives, but I still see evidence everywhere. 
     And as my husband put it when we were discussing that every culture from the beginning of time had believed in an ‘other’ a ‘Divine’ and that it was only the few that did not believe he said, If I were a gambling man, my bet would go with the many.  This is not to say you shouldn’t question what the masses believe, and it is not to say that the masses cannot be incredibly stupid. It is just saying that if an idea, often a VERY similar idea, is present throughout history and throughout the world even with cultures that have no contact, something must have placed it there.  And I understand that a lot of it was things seen in nature, and that a lot of it was things these people experienced in their every day lives. I am not naïve enough to think it was all spurred by Divine intervention.  However before we scoff at our ancestors for all they didn’t know, lets take a look at all we still don’t know, and all the damage we have done with our ‘knowledge,’ and reassess how wise we have really become.  We worship money, power, and the exploitation of our planet.  They worshiped life, and love, and the natural balance of things.  Maybe it’s time to put our egos aside for a moment and accept that there are things we will never understand, Things much much bigger than ourselves, and that does not make us less than, if anything it might just make us a touch Divine.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent (cloth diaper safe!)

To prelude the up and coming Cloth Diapering posts, which will almost definitely be ever changing, here is how I make my own detergent, as well as some troubleshooting for different issues.  This detergent works wonderfully for our family, and is saving us a boatload of money.  After the initial investment, which was small anyway, we spend about eight dollars every 6 months or so on detergent, and I do at least one load a day.  That really can't be beat!  You can also choose any scent you like, or none at all for those with more sensitive skin.

3/4 c. Borax (20 mule team)
1 cup Baking Soda
1 bar non-glycerin soap, grated
6 gallons of water

A 4 gallon bucket (or a 35 lb bucket of cat litter, do I need to specify without the cat litter?)
Gallon jugs or old detergent jugs, rinsed out
A cheese grater

Take any bar of non-glycerin soap and grate it.  Put in a saucepan on the stove with enough water to cover and melt the soap on low heat, stirring occasionally until the soap is dissolved.

Fill the bucket about 4/5 with hot water from the tap or tub.  Stir in the Borax and Baking Soda until they are dissolved.  Pour in the soap mixture from the saucepan.  Fill the rest of the bucket with hot water to the brim.  Leave to sit for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.  It will gel like commercial detergent, but lumpy or water spots are normal and fixed with stirring.

Pour into 1/2 a cup per load.  Safe for High-Efficiency frontloading machines.  I usually shake the jug before pouring as it tends to separate. 

Pretreatments are fine.  If you are not using this detergent for cloth diapers you can use Washing Soda in place of the Baking Soda, or you can always add a bit to each wash.  Using Washing Soda with each load of cloth diapers can cause a loss of absorbency and make diapers appear dingy.

My daughter is very prone to yeast infections, so we add 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to each load and have seen a complete turn around using only this treatment.  Just make sure wipes are also being washed with vinegar. White vinegar will feed the yeast, so do not substitute!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mmmm. Whipped cream

  I haven't posted in a while, and my first post back is going to be a quicky about breakfast.  What can ya do?  I just wanted to share this delicious and fast recipe with anyone out there who might want to try it.  It's meant to be for crepes, but if you're in a bind it can be used on nearly anything.  My husband who is gluten intolerant loves to just eat a bowl of it!  We also use this around the house for any desert dish that you would normally put store bought whipped cream on.
  You will need:

 A bowl

 Hand blender with whisk attachment or a hand held whisk

heavy whipping cream*

Jam/Jelly/ or fruit

*If you are using ultra pasteurized cream a metal bowl may make things go faster, but I used plastic and it worked just fine.  I put the bowl and the whisk in the freezer for 3 minutes before starting.

Just whip the cream, starting on your lowest setting.  You can work up through the speeds as you see it begin to thicken.  Stop once it maintains it's shape from the whisk.  You don't want to go too far and make butter!  The whisk is a great distraction while you get anything else ready. The cat can even enjoy it. :)

Many recipes recommend adding vanilla, sugar, splenda, etc. at this point.  I don't.  Go on and try a bite, it is plenty yummy all on it's own.  If you want at this point go on and add your fruit choice.    We put it on waffles this morning because the bean was too hungry to wait for me to make crepes and she loved it!

She was humming mmm mmmm mmm sounds as she ate.

If anyone thinks of other things to add, please, feel free to share!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I need Shampoo.

     I tried to stick to my crunchy 'no poo' in my hair experiment, but after a week I was not a huge fan of how my hair was looking.  Within 2 washes with baking soda and vinegar my hair was getting obnoxiously dry. I tried spraying a very small amount of manoi oil into my hair, which left it feeling silky smooth all night.  But when I brushed it the next morning you would have thought I hadn't showered in days.  I could feel how greasy it was and when I brushed it in the mirror it would stay however I left it.  Gross.  I tried washing the oils out in a hurry before work and was still left with residue filled locks.  I was forced to wear my hair in two french braids tied into a knot in the back of my head for the day.  While I have always loved my manoi oil for anything from making my skin look great before wearing a dress, to treating my hair after being a bit hard on it some weeks, you NEED shampoo to wash that stuff out the first time.

     I noticed my color getting dull and redyed it.  Now I was truly hesitant after dying my hair to use only baking soda, so I went ahead and used my crap Aussie to rinse the color out.  My hair the next day was fantastic! During the next wash I went back to my homemade concoction.  My hair was flat and lifeless the next day with frizz at every brush stroke and my new color already looked dull.  I tried once more and that was the end of it.  This time I said eff it and used some hair product, paul mitchell shine serum.  Even that was not enough to save my now miserable hair.  My solution was to go out and find a better shampoo that I wouldn't feel as guilty about, but wouldn't have to look like a dirty hippy either.  Don't get me wrong, I love getting dirty, and adore most things 'hippy' but I do not want to look like a combination of the two.

     I read some reviews of products online and headed to the store.  I ended up settling on Organix hair products.  The bottles are made from recycled material, the ink on the labels is made from recycled material, the labels are even compost-able and they do no animal testing ( not like many other brands that just say the final product was not tested on animals.)  Not to mention they smell delicious!  I'm not sure what the effect on my color will be, time will tell.  But my hair this morning is behaving very well, grateful for something better.

   I do not pretend to know a damn thing about hair, and probably way less about hair products.  All I know is baking products have no place on my head.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Goodbye Sanity, hello wedding.

  Let me start by saying that I am generally a no frills type of girl, and certainly expected to be a no frills bride.  I didn't know know how to straighten my hair until 2 years ago, I have yet to figure out eye liner or buy a blowdryer, and I consider taking off my shoes and jumping through puddles to be a perfectly acceptable way to get into the house after work.  For my wedding I want simple, and rustic.  But I also do not want ordinary.  I don't like hotel receptions or dancing to the YMCA.

  I had gone dress shopping about 2 years ago, but then we found out DD was on the way and all wedding planning was put on hold.  When I had gone shopping before I had gone to 4 different stores,  tried on dozens of dresses, and had never fallen in love with any of them.  Heading out this time I was expecting to have the same trouble, and to end up settling on a dress.  When I tried on ONE dress and thought 'This is it!' I was shocked.

     But, like most girls, I didn't want to try on just one dress. Where is the fun in that? So I got myself in a jam and tried on a completely different dress and, uh-oh, fell in love with it. I

     left the store feeling frustrated and very unsure of myself.  So, like an obsessed maniac, I spent most of my night last night pouring over pictures and reviews of both dresses, begging my husband for his opinion on the dresses, and trying to picture my wedding.  By the end of the night my head hurt, and I still had no idea.

     This morning I woke up with a bit more clarity.  I realized that when I had sent the pictures to friends, or asked Johns opinion, I would argue a bit more against anyone who chose the second dress.  And I would even feel hurt that they hadn't loved the first dress as much as I did. The more I looked at pictures of real brides in both dresses the easier my decision became.  I loved the second dress oh-so-much in real life, but I worried that in pictures it would look like I had a comforter stapled to my waist.  It was beautiful fluffed out and styled while I stood poised in front of a mirror, but when I moved the beautiful details I adored so much on the skirt might get lost.  Sure enough, in almost every real-bride photo I saw I thought 'comforter.'  It looked great for snuggling up with, but maybe not dancing and getting married in.

     I also thought that as stunning and original as it looked in the bridal shop, in photo's it looks a lot like 80% of the other wedding photo's I've seen.  My good friend who had gone shopping with me said "I think everyone would be shocked to see you in that dress!"  And I liked that idea, until I realized the reason they would be shocked is because it's just not me.  The other dress, my first love, still looked amazing in personal photos
  Both are beautiful and both make wonderful choices.  But I want my wedding to be a party that goes all night, and I can't imagine partying in that super heavy second dress.  And when I think about which one I might miss on my wedding day, it's the vintage inspired gatsby dress.  It's everything I wanted for a reason. I wanted timeless and ornate.  Modern and stunning are wonderful qualities, but they're not what I look for anywhere else in my life, so I would feel slightly out of my own skin wearing a dress that embodied those things.

     Also, whenever I've looked at bridal jewelry or accessories, I've looked at vintage inspired pieces.  I have always been drawn to that style. I don't even know how I would begin to put pieces together with the second dress. It's just far enough outside my usual self that I would have to rely on others to help with all the 'decorating.'  But I want to feel like me and love every little piece of what I'm in, not just the dress.

That being said, I think I've made my choice, and I'm thrilled. I cannot wait to go order my dress this week!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meal Planning: Fail

  Going with this whole 'self improvement' kick I've been on I decided to start meal planning, and cooking meals ahead of time.  Well, except for rice and other things that I don't think reheat nicely.  This way I could spend that half hour to an hour a night I usually spend cooking, working out or at least playing on the kinect.  What ended up happening was me making a GIANT mess, burning myself twice, only cooking 2 dinners, and spending 4 hours doing it.

     First off, I'm trying to remind myself that this was not 'ideal' conditions by any means.  We haven't been eating meat for the past few weeks because we've wont buy it from a grocery store any more and with all this fantastic weather we haven't been able to find our way to a good butcher.  We want to start buying animals from farms we can see with our own eyes, and who we know are being treated well and fed organic, good food, ie. no corn for cows.  That being said, my recipe choices have become limited.  So, I decided in all my gemini-inspired wisdom, that I was just going to pick 3 brand new recipes that I've never tried before, and cook them all at the same time.  Feel free to roll your eyes at me, I did it to myself.

     I also decided that since my husband was home for the day, it was the perfect time for me to strip ALL of DD's cloth diapers, wipes, and wet bags.  My logic was that with him home to distract her I could get more done.  You can feel the crescendo approaching can't you?

     Immediately I laid out all of my ingredients, pans, and necessary utensils on the kitchen table and quickly filled it up and became over whelmed.  So I went over the easiest recipe with DH, a burrito casserole, and asked if he would be able to make it without bothering me too much later in the week (he has volunteered to learn to cook, much to my delight!)  Everything for that recipe was removed and I felt slightly less stressed. 

     I gave DH directions on what to do with the washing that needed to be done, which ended up taking nearly as long as if I had just done it myself, and then began chopping and preparing all of the veggies.  I was beginning to feel confidence trickle in just as I turned around to find my daughter finger painting the floor with a box of baking soda (see shampoo post.)  My temper flared momentarily when I saw my husband on the computer and quickly turned to laughter when my daughter began rubbing the baking soda all over herself like it was body paint.  He retriever our little albino and swept the floor while I continued chopping.  Just as I began to warm up the leeks and fry the first batch of eggplant I heard "Do you have the baby?" I flung my head back and looked at the ceiling, knowing full well I did not want to turn around.  The 'oh shit...' from behind me was not confirmed my fears.  Sure enough there she was chewing through a third of my eggplant and spitting it back onto the floor or mushing it under her knee. The rest of the four hours was still a learning experience, but blissfully free of disruption.

      Another big mistake turned out to be trying to use 1 pan to cook a pretty involved moussaka recipe.  Cooking the eggplant, zucchini, and potatoes all separately, having to fill the pan 3 times each for the eggplant and potatoes was definitely my downfall in the time department.  At least now I know. I also realized that as my husbands comfort level in the kitchen increases, my apprehension about trusting him to make things that are more complex will ease and allow me to not do so much preparing.  My lessons learned are going to be only 1 new recipe at a time, and to be more prepared. 

   On a side note day two with my baking soda and vinegar washed hair went well.  It styled easily the next day and even seemed to frizz less.  I only shower every other day, so I was also happy to see my hair looking fresher on day 2 than usual.  I am slightly concerned that it feels a little dry however, so I will begin spraying some Monoi de Tahiti oil in my hair after my shower to see if that helps.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love the skin You're IN

I love love loved this article I just found on the Peaceful Parenting site.

The photo:
is what caught my attention.  This woman is beautiful.  But what makes her exquisite is how comfortable, confident, and happy she looks in her own skin.  It made me think about how many of women I know, many of whom I am good friends with, that have similar bodies.  And how many of them are uncomfortable in those bodies.  But, why?  There is nothing about this woman that looks 'wrong.'  Not a single thing I think she needs to work on.  So why do we feel like we have to kill ourselves to reach some ridiculous ideal?  Have you ever actually seen on of the lingerie models wearing normal, baggy, clothes?  They look sick, and they rarely glow like this beautiful model.

It made me feel okay about the little pouch I know I get when I sit down.  Seeing it on someone else made me realize it really doesn't look awful at all.  But we never get to see this in our culture, and so we are led to believe that it is ugly.  I truly believe if there were more women like this in magazines and on TV body shame would not be running rampant.  If we only see certain physical traits on ourselves we begin to think they are different and wrong.  Because we have been told for most, if not all, of our lives that our bodies are not acceptable, we hide them.  We wear tankinis, loose clothing, and briefers to cover up or distort what we really look like.  As a result the image of the 'imperfect' body is further hidden. 

As this model, Lizzi Miller, said "As I got older I realized that everyone's body is different and not everyone is skinny naturally--me included! I learned to love my body for how it is, every curve of it. I used to be so self-conscious in a bikini because my stomach wasn't perfectly defined. But everyone has different body shapes! And it's not all about the physical! If you walk on the beach in your bikini with confidence and you feel sexy, people will see you that way too."

So be confident and stop hiding.  There is beauty in every stretch mark that brought you your child, and every slightly saggy part that once grew to support a life.

What I also loved was that the poem I added a few posts back was at the beginning of this article. 

My goal is to raise my daughter appearing confident and happy in my skin, and to never give her a reason to think that appearances should make, or break, your mood.  Even if I'm not feeling a hundred percent confident that day, that is the image I want her to carry throughout her life.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Step One: No More Shampoo


     Today we took step one of changing to a more natural house hold and I gave washing my hair with baking soda and vinegar a shot.  Eventually I'll move on to washing my face with oil instead of my yummy smelling estee lauder wash, but lets not get ahead of ourselves...

     So the first step was finding two water bottles to use.  I chose one that I couldn't find the lid to, and a portable coffee cup.  These were bad choices.  I put two cups of water in the first along with two tablespoons of  baking soda. When I tried mixing it was the first time I regretting not using a bottle with a cap, but a long butter knife did the trick.  In the second container I put two cups of water and two tablespoons of vinegar. Then, off I went.

     The baking soda/water combination was not as bad as expected.  I was concerned it would just feel like water in my hair and I would have no idea if I had used enough or if I had missed anywhere, but you can definitely feel it.  It's not bubbly, but it's thick enough that you can feel something.  My big tip when filling the bottles is to use warm water.  DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP! Pouring freezing cold water on my head did not make this a pleasant or easy experience.  The vinegar I just dumped over my head, gasped, and worked through.  I soaked my ends in the cup for a few extra seconds, and let the vinegar sit for a while before rinsing it,  since split ends were a pretty big concern of mine.  I love my flat iron, my hair does not.  While I sat with the vinegar soaking into my tresses I could feel an ever-so-slight-tingling all over my scalp and momentarily became concerned that I was about to turn into a science fair volcano.  No worries, it didn't even bubble.  I was also very worried my hair would feel like it was fresh out of the ocean and turn into one big knot.  As any hair dresser I have ever seen could tell you, my hair LOVES to knot.  It does it instantly, in any condition.  While I was in the shower it felt slightly smoother than usual, but once I got out it was pretty much business as usual.  I can't complain though, no shampoo no matter how expensive has ever fixed that, so I'm not going to blame the baking soda.

Now I'm sitting here waiting for it to dry praying I don't smell terrible tomorrow or look like this in the morning.