Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am a mother.
I am a Goddess worshipper.
I am a Pagan.
I am a Doula.
I am a lactivist.
I am an intactivist.
I am an advocate of home birth.
I am against crying it out.
I support attachment parenting.

I also believe…
Some women do not like nursing, and that is okay.
Some women have trouble breast feeding, and that is okay.
If you made the choice to circumcise, it does not make you a bad parent.
There is merit in different ways of living and parenting,
what is right for me is not right for everyone.
I am just a woman, mortal and flawed.
I do not have all the answers.

 I want to teach my daughter the ways of the Goddess, and I want to teach her to be the best person she can be.  I also want to start leading a greener lifestyle.  All of this will require some growing, experimenting, stumbling, back tracking, and a most likely a good share of mistakes and cursing. This blog will be where I catalog that journey, and share some information along the way.


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